History of Russell Island Bowls Club

Painting of Russell Island Bowls Club

The Russell Island Bowls Club Inc has been around since 1981. The following is a brief history.

On October 1981, the Progress Assn decided to introduce indoor bowling to Russell Island as part of the Progress activity.

29th March 1982 a meeting was called to form a bowling club. Progress bought two sets of bowls at a cost of $114.84 and Mr. Bill Wright purchased a bowling mat at the cost of $700 at his own expense.

31st March 1982 bowling started with Mr. Hans Schulze as captain, three vice Captains were appointed Mrs. D Sengstock, Mrs. Thea Schulze and Mr. E Green 14 people turned up to that meeting.

1st April 1982 three options were open to this new club. Should they become part of the local Sports Club, or remain as part of the progress Ass, or should they become an independent Club? The decision to form an independent Club was taken.

7th April 1982 Membership now 26.

14th April 1982 A Meeting was held to form a Bowls Club. A four man executive was voted in, President Hans Schulze, Vice President Allen Robb, Secretary Errol Green, Treasurer Jim Beck. These executives started to form a constitution

Hans Schulze - First President of Russell Island Bowls Club
Hans Schulze - First President of Russell Island Bowls Club


5th May 1982 The Club was named Russell and Bay Islands Bowls Club. Voting took place to from a committee the four executive remained and the following were added, Games Director Bill Smith, Social Director Moya Beck, and three ordinary members, P Smith, G Neill and T Schulze.

26th May 1982 Senator Florence Bjelki-Peterson, accepted the position of Patron of our Club.

2nd June 1982 the progress assn donated the bowls purchased by them and $73.50, which had been collected from the bowlers previously. The Members decided that the club be formed as an outdoor indoor bowls club, as the RSL was offering us their land on which to build an outdoor bowling green.

Mr. Bill Kerby agreed to be our Hon Solicitor; a meeting was arranged between Mr. Kirby and the RSL President Mr. Bill Branch.

The long process of trying to come to an amicable agreement is recorded in the file of the Club’s Records. The result was that no agreement could be reached, the RSL required a bowling green to be constructed before a Club House. This was impossible, as a Club House was needed in which to raise funds with which to pay for the construction of a green.

First AGM 2nd February 1983

Election of Committee, President Mr. Hans Schulze, Vice President Mr. Bill Wright, Treasurer Mrs. Thea Schulze, Secretary Mrs. Grace Neill, social Director M Beck, Games Director Mr. K Atkins, three ordinary members, J Decker, S Frances and J Frances. Patron “Senator Flo” as she wished to be called then. Solicitor Mr. W Kirby.

10th May 1983 club progressing well with $2250 in the bank.

16th May 1983 the Club now registered with the Justice Department as an approved association and may now promote minor art unions.

3rd June 1983 Constitution was accepted, the club changed its name to Russell Island Bowls Club

9th August 1983 Life Membership proposed to Mr. W Wright for his contribution towards the formation of the Club, without which the club could not have started. Second vote was taken in September with 100% vote in favour, so this award was made.

11th February 1984 2nd AGM the executive being President H Schulze, vice President G Sengstock, Secretary G Neill, Treasurer T Schulze. Club now has equipment with $2942, Art Union Acct $366.80, Saving Inv Acct $3177. Total $6485.80

3rd June 1984 Games Nights were started, in the hope of raising more funds.

February 1985 3rd AGM the executive being returned for a further year.

19th May 1985 decision was made to “incorporate” in preparation to the receiving of a parcel of land on lease from the council.

25th June 1986 The Services and Citizen’s RSL Club approached the Bowls Club with an offer to amalgamate with them to build a club house, which would be controlled by the RSL after consideration it was decided that we would wait for the promised land from the council as the members wanted to control their own funds, and the land with the RSL Club was not big enough to develop into a green with parking and a possible second green in the future.

February 1986 4th AGM the result of the election was President Geo Ormond, Vice President Gill Sengstock, Secretary Grace Neill, and Treasurer Ken Jones.

Hans Schulze and Thea Schulze could not nominate due to Han’s grave illness, Hans died this year, after all his work for the club he was not allowed to see the fruition of his efforts. (When the first green was finished it was dedicated to our founder President and will be known as the Hans Schulze Green)

A comprehensive insurance package was taken out, this was necessary for incorporation of the Club.

24th September 1986 the new rules for The Russell Island Bowls Club Inc. were adopted. All members of the old club and their funds were taken over by this Incorporated Assn.

A badge was decided on (one in keeping with our Island environment designed by Grace Neill)

The Club was granted a right of tenancy of a small house close to where our green was to be constructed; this became our temporary Club House.

4th February 1987 First AGM of the Incorporated Club was held with the result President Mrs. A Scott, vice President j Ralph, Treasurer Mrs. D Atkin, Secretary G Neill. Mrs. Scott made this into a year of fundraising to enable us to prepare our temporary clubhouse for occupation, and to start on the Bowling Green. In this year we doubled our capital, which was, a marvelous achievement mostly done by the ladies, led in no small way by our President.

In the meantime the men did not laze around, they worked on the clubhouse and the earth works for the green. This was a great year of member’s participation of all able-bodied members. The savings investment account rose form $8766 to $17520.

The Bowling Green was completed this year – 1987.

February 4th 1988 Second AGM of the Incorporated Association President Mr. E Seymour, Vice President Mr. T Harris, Secretary Mrs. Joan Rawnsley, Treasurer Mrs. T Schulze. Mrs. Rawnsley resigned April 1988 Mr. Conroy was appointed 24th April. By Laws for the club were drawn up. A junior membership was introduced. Work continued on the temporary clubhouse wiring installed, with the Building Sub Committee attending to the details. The business of applying for a full liquor License was set in motion. With the prospect in mind, many new members joined the club. It was decided that the financial year and the AGM be held after June in future for the easier running of the financial side of the club’s business, so the 3rd AGM was in August 1988.

August 31st 3rd AGM Incorporated Association President Mr. E Seymour, vice President Mr. R McDougall, Secretary Mr. A Conroy, Treasurer Mrs. T Schulze. Mr. Conroy retired from his position as Secretary Mrs. G Neill took over on 2nd September 1988.

8th November 1988 temporary clubhouse opened. New members are joining the club we must have more that 100 members now.

28th February 1989 Len Cox was appointed as Treasurer, as Thea Schulze wished to relinquish this position. Mr. R McDougall retired from the committee, as Vice President and Tom Daunt was appointed Vice President. Thea Schulze was awarded a Life Membership. Mrs. E Seymour resigned, as President but will remain on committee as Games Director.

New members continue to join up there must be more that 150 members now. Mr. L McKenzie was appointed President 30th May 1989. Mrs. G Neill was awarded a Life Membership.

29th August 1989 4th AGM Incorporated Association President Mr L McKenzie, Vice President Mrs. P McEwan, Treasurer Mr. L Cox. As there were no nominations for Secretary Mr. L McKenzie will act as such until this post if filled.

Mr B Molloy was awarded a Life Membership

10th October 189 Jim Beck was appointed as Secretary

5th August 1990 5th AGM Incorporated Association President Mr. L McKenzie, Vice President Mr. T Daunt, Secretary Mrs. McKillop Davies, Treasurer Glenda Murr, then Mrs. E Hutchenson, then Mrs. North, Mrs. D Blazely took over as Secretary 14/2/91.

25th August 1991 6th AGM Incorporated Association President Mr. L McKenzie, Vice President Mr. J Ellis, Treasurer Mr. L Cox, Secretary Mr. J Smith, Acting Secretary G Neill. Mr. Smith Resigned 10th October 1991 G Neill became Secretary.

Mr. McKenzie was awarded a Redland Shire Sports Award for the work he did this year, on the green and in the bar. Len practically lived at the club this year. Len announced that he would not stand for President in the next AGM.

16th August 1992 7th AGM Incorporated Association President Mr. Ian Findlay, vice President Mr. Jack Ellis, Secretary Mrs. Grace Neill, Treasurer Mr. John McCone, Catering Coordinator Mrs. Bev Findlay, Games Director Mr. Brian Vellette, Assistant Games Director, Mrs. Bev Findlay, Ordinary Members, Mr. Tom Daunt, Ms Zita Lloy, Mrs Syble Ellis and Mr. Bernie Reissmann.

It is now necessary for our club to obtain a Club Licence for the sale of liquor so a motion was put that the committee endeavour to obtain this Licence. This Licence was duly obtained. In March this year it was decided to become affiliated the RQBA and QLBA, as we are at present an amalgamated club, we will look into the possibility of remaining so.

18th December 1992 the application for a Club Licence was granted with Mrs Grace Neill as the Nominee.

May of 1993 we became affiliated with RQBA and QLBA.

2nd February 1994 the club became affiliated with the Gateway District Men’s association, which proved a big success as it allowed our bowling members to participate in all activities held under the auspices of the above organizations.

June 1996 After years of hard work in raising funds, the first stage of the club’s new clubhouse was completed. Certainly a big achievement for a small Island Community. We are endeavoring to raise funds for the completion of the second stage of the building. Our green is in excellent condition.

1997 – 210 members

2002 net loss for the year of $51, 449, there was a special financial meeting on the 19th March 2003 to see how best save the club with Mark Deen the auditor. We joined Clubs Queensland.

2003 Monies in bank $63, 075.39, Geoff Nelson was greenkeeper, Drainage of Top Carpark was done.

2004 Committee persons were Debbie Amor, Glenda Facer, Margaret Balentine, Helen Webb, Ron Goohew, Paul O’Leary, Ken Stant, Geoff Nelson, Bev Findlay, Annette Garrett, and Wendy Odgers.

Paid Bar Staff were employed. New Sunshades were put around the Green. New Courtesy Bus at a cost of $26,890 in May 2004. Wendy Ryan resigned as Bar Manager. Kerry Wells was employed as the new Bar Manager. Tony and Gayle were the Bar Staff. John Craig was on a semi permanent basis the courtesy bus driver, others that also volunteered were Annette, Wendy O, Slade, Rex, Ken and Roman. Cowboy was the Greenkeeper.

June 2004 bank balance was $81, 962.19.

November 2004 Shades to the greens were done monies obtained from Redland Shire Council.

AGM 20th February 2005 President D Amor, Vice President R Goodhew, Junior Vice President P Leishman, Secretary J Casey, Treasuer A Garrett, Gaming Nominee Helen Webb, Greens Director Geoffrey Nelson, Social Director Val Varney, Committee Members Kevin Lane, Wendy Odgers, Ed Russell.

Monies in bank $103, 568.37

A Second Hand Safe Purchased at a cost of $2530.

Weather Vane purchased

2007 May $104,00 in bank

Greenkeepers shed got built

It was bought to the Bowls Club that a group of people were putting together an island cricket team and they wanted the Bowls Club to be their sponsors. The Bowls club agreed to sponsor them and they in turn would use the club as their base, they received also $550 to purchase a kit to begin with.

Wellington Point gave us a gift of Lights in September 2005 now we are looking into poles

Green redone and out for 6 weeks

Estimated cost to lock up stage of the extension upstairs $155, 263.00. The club was looking at a loan over 15 years to cover this at a cost of $4, 000 per month. Kerry Wells and Ed Russell put in a lot of work to get the costs etc done and were congratulated at the meeting in July for their efforts.

Yan’s Bistro opened at the Club end of March 2005

March 2005 a grant for $43, 000 was submitted for floodlights and proper rink markers, if successful the club would be liable of a third of this amount. This grant was successful and the lights installed in 2006

March 2005 37 Male Bowlers registered and 17 Ladies.

2006 AGM 16th February President D Amor, Vice President R Goodhew, Junior Vice President Warwick Neville, Secretary, K Rodgers, Treasurer A Garrett, Men’s Games Director K Lane, Ladies Games Director D Amor, Greenskeeper K Walton, Committee Members R Pope, E Russell and P Tyson

Plans were submitted to Redland Shire Council for 2nd floor extension and a lot of work done by the Committee and Kerry Wells to come up with quotes etc on the work that is involved.

New Septic System at a cost of $13, 380, DOSA area $13, 30.

Loan was approved to lock up stage for the 2nd part of the extension, but never went ahead.

2017 major rejuvenation of green undertaken putting green out for 3 months (December 2017 to February 2018).

2018 plans for major refurbishment of club approved by members.

2018 serious leaking through south wall – repairs costing $14,000 undertaken ($10,000 grant from Redland Council assisted).

2019 – the 1st phase of refurbishment namely an outdoor kitchen/BBQ building and extension to decking completed. This was done thanks to a $35,000 grant from Gaming Fund.

Russell Island Bowls Club
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